Essential Plugin

Clearfy Pro 1.9.4 Download WordPress Plugin for Free + (Update)

Clearfy Pro is a WordPress plugin which you can get a website faster without coding knowledge.

Remove unnecessary codes, duplicate widgets, or pages with one click without spending extra time or money for a freelancer.

Image optimization by Clearfy Pro

Clearfy Pro
  • This WordPress image optimizer has no restrictions or limitations on image optimization.
  • Automated optimization using Cron. You do not have to wait for the optimization to finish; This plugin optimizes multiple images in the background.
  • Optimize manually. Press the button and wait for your images to be optimized
  • Image Backup Before starting optimization, all images are saved in the original quality. Then, when the optimization is complete, you can restore the lost images or re-optimize them with another quality.
  • You can select the compression mode (normal, regular, high). Compact mode affects the weight and quality of the image. The higher the compression, the worse the quality and the smaller the weight.
  • Image optimization at boot
  • Reduce image size before optimization by resizing the image.
  • Accurate statistics on optimized images

Some features of the Clearfy Pro

SEO optimizer

  • Automatically enter the alt attribute – if the alt attribute does not exist, the alt attribute is set for all images in posts and pages.
  • Create Robots.txt correctly – Helps to create a complete Robots.txt to improve indexing or close it that is not indexed.
  • Automatically enter the latest revised version – helps search engines decide which posts and pages to revise and sort first.
  • Return-If-Modified-Since Header – Continuous improvement in search engines that change pages and posts.
  • Remove Post Title from Yoast SEO Breadcrumbs – Remove post titles from breadcrumbs on pages or posts.
  • Image removal: Image tag from Yoast SEO XML Sitemap – removes site map errors on Yandex website.
  • Disable JSON-LD Scheme – Google to make advanced searches with web page links is prohibited.
  • Disable Yoast SEO Structured Data – Disable Yoast SEO structured company data.
  • Remove Yoast SEO Comments from the section – Remove data from the code, which says that your website is optimized by the Yoast SEO plugin.

Code optimizer

  • Disable RSS feeds – Disables RSS if you are using WordPress for a website, not a blog.
  • Disable Rest API – Disable the Restore API and remove the Restore API connections. Use this if you do not need to manage WordPress with third-party solutions.
  • Disable Emojis – emojis generate extra code and slow down the site, even if you put any smiles.
  • Uninstall jQuery Immigration – If you have a few popular plugins that you update regularly, you can safely uninstall jQuery.
  • Disable Embeds – Disable switching if you do not insert videos into posts or pages.
  • Remove dns-prefetch – Some items may improve image loading.
  • Remove RSD link – If you create posts and pages in WordPress then you do not need the simple Discovery function.
  • Delete wlwmanifest Link – If you publish posts and pages through the WordPress interface, 99% of this functionality is not necessary for you.
  • Delete Shortlink – If you use permalinks, you do not need short links.
  • Delete previous / next link in HEAD – If you do not use the blog, delete the previous and next post links.
  • Delete .recentcomments Styles – Delete if you want to change the “Related Posts” widget styles.
  • Minify Html – Compresses code, speeds up website loading.
  • WordPress Sanitization – removes invalid and malicious characters from URLs and filenames.

Remove duplicate WordPress pages

  • Delete Archive Date – Deletes the history archive completely and sets the redirect to the first page.
  • Delete Author Archive – Removes the author archive completely and sets the redirect to the first page. Useful if the site author is single.
  • Remove tags archive – Delete tag archives and redirect to index.
  • Delete attachments – By default, each media file has a personal page. Clearfy deletes them and moves them to the page or post where this media file is located.
  • Delete Posts Pagination – Page navigation with one post is not required. It is better to delete it and create some posts.
  • Delete? replytocom – Delete duplicate comments.

WordPress Privacy Settings

  • Delete Generator Meta Tag – Deleted version information.
  • Delete copies of light files – complicates the process if someone wants to hack your website.
  • Remove Javascript Files Version – It is harder to determine the version of the installed plugin and hack the site.
  • Remove Querystrings – Helps save JS and CSS and speeds up website loading.
  • Delete HTML Comments – The hacker could not specify versions of themes and plugins with comments in the code.

WordPress Security

  • Hide author login – complicates the hacking process. It’s hard to find your login for a hacker.
  • Hide WordPress Login Error Messages – The attacker does not know if he has entered the wrong login or password.
  • Disable XML-RPC – Disable pingbacks and trackbacks.
  • Disable X-Pingback Link – Removes links and spam with pingbacks.

WordPress Widgets

WP Widgets Disable – Removes WordPress widgets, all or selectively (links, archives, meta, search, etc.)

  • Update WordPress templates, plugins, translations and kernels management
  • WORDPRESS Comments
  • Manage messages and notifications in the WordPress ADMIN section
  • WordPress bar section optimizer
  • WordPress Post Optimizer
  • Manage WordPress scripts

Other Features of Clearfy Pro …

Enhance your WordPress performance on sites like Pingdom, GTmetrix, Google PageSpeed ​​Insights, YSlow, and…
Improved indexing of websites, blogs and online stores.
After repeated duplication, the pages were ranked better than the search engines.
Websites became cleaner for search engines that had improved SEO and traffic.
Optimize your SEO and website speed in 5 minutes.
Eliminate WordPress vulnerabilities.
Speed ​​up the search engine.
Clear the website code from the trash.
Bug fixes for other plugins.
Faster and easier WordPress.
Database Comments, Heartbeat Control, Disable Updates, Enable Auto-Plugins, and Update Themes
And many other things…

For more information, go to the main page of Clearfy Pro

Download Last version of Clearfy Pro

Download “Clearfy Pack” – Downloaded 349 times – 2.64 MB

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