Yoast WooCommerce SEO
Your WebPage contains a Product with a certain price (Offers) made by your Brand. And you want Google to know all the details about that. And combine these things to the best rich mention you can get in the search results.
- Rank higher with your online store in Google and Bing, and on Pinterest
- Get more buyers to your website by making your products stand out in the results
- Sell more online by making your products easier to find on your website
What does the Yoast WooCommerce SEO plugin do?
- Have more people clicking your products on social networks
- Have a breadcrumb navigation that reflects your site’s structure
- Have a cleaner sitemap so Google can find the info it needs faster
- Stop wasting time scrolling up and down while editing

This plugin works fine with the free or premium versions of both Yoast SEO and WooCommerce.
Download Free WordPress Plugin: For download you must login / sign up
Download “WPSEO Woocommerce” wpseo-woocommerce-14.6.zip – Downloaded 1298 times – 212.04 KB- wpseo-woocommerce-14.6.zip- 14.6
- wpseo-woocommerce-14.3.zip- 14.3
- wpseo-woocommerce-14.1.zip- 14.1
- wpseo-woocommerce-14.0.zip- 14.0
- wpseo-woocommerce-13.9.zip- 13.9
- wpseo-woocommerce-13.8.zip- 13.8
- wpseo-woocommerce-13.7.zip- 13.7
- wpseo-woocommerce-13.6.zip- 13.6
- wpseo-woocommerce-13.4.zip- 13.4
- wpseo-woocommerce-13.3.zip- 13.3
- wpseo-woocommerce-13.2.zip- 13.2